0Friday. 13th [May 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 May 1870 — Madrid
Friday. 13th [May 1870]. I got up with a headache– It was not very violent & did not prevent me running about all the morning– Just after luncheon we had a visit from Sir John McNeill who is passing thro’ with his friend Mr Paget, one of the magistrates for London. He is a charming handsome tall slim old gentleman and as he told me 75. He said he had always had a wish to come to Spain & had never been able to accomplish it before & having been all the winter at Pau had managed to come on here & intended going South. He said he had known Henry years ago when he (Sir J.) was minister in Persia & that during Henry’s wanderings he had been once written to to see if he could discover where he was—that he went to the Pascha whose answer was “That man! Why if I could catch him I’d hang him. He has been joining some rebel tribes & helping them.” Henry said that was true as chance had thrown him into their hands & he was obliged to stay with them & be one of them not being able to escape from them. We begged him & his friend to come to dinner at ½ past 7 & we went out driving in the Mon Cloa. Coming home Mrs Burr got out & walked & we went on in the carriage. Sir John & Mr Paget dined with us & we had a very agreeable evening. Mr P. being an amateur artist had a subject in common with Mrs Burr.

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