0Saturday. 14th [May 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 May 1870 — Madrid
Saturday. 14th [May 1870]. After breakfast Mrs Burr & I went off in a cab to the picture gallery where we had a very agreeable morning seeing the pictures at our leisure. Afterwards the carriage fetched us & we went to Laurent’s where I had myself photod & after we came home to luncheon. Mr Riaño came here & we went at ½ past 3 to the Fomento with him to see the pictures there of wh there are a quantity & some very fine early Spanish ones. We went into the Ministers’ room where some of the best are & got up on his chairs to see them. We then came to our door & dropped Henry who got on his horse & we took a turn in the Mon Cloa & Henry met us riding. We dined alone.

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