0Sunday. 15th [May 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 May 1870 — Madrid
Sunday. 15th [May 1870]. We went to church in the morning. It threatened to be stormy but I went with Henry to call on the Hunts as she had been ill again. Mrs Burr came in the carriage to pick us up & we also took Mrs Hunt with us. They left me at Mme Riaño’s & went on to the Fair of St Isidro the patron saint of Madrid. I found Mme R. very well with the baby by her side & sat with her more than an hour when they came in the carriage to fetch me again. Mr Gayangos Messrs Ash & Sey: & a Mr & Mrs Hugh Baillie dined with us. They are cousins of Mr Ffrench on their wedding tour, both very ordinary kind of people. In the eveng Henry went away to the Palace to see the Regent.

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