0Saturday. 16th [July 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 July 1870 — Madrid
Saturday. 16th [July 1870]. All the morning copying for Henry—but had a headache & could not do much & kept falling asleep– I think it is the heat wh is very great– As soon as we heard the news last night we gave up our intention of going to La Granja & telegraphed for Giovanni all our things & horses– Cerruti came this afternoon & was pacified when he heard we had given up going– My head got worse & at 5 I was obliged to go & lie down on my bed– At 7 it was cooler & I came & sat in my dressing gown at the open window. Directly after dinner we went in a cab to the Buen Retiro Gardens where there was a great Meyerbeer concert– Crowds of people all in wonderful toilettes. Saw the Ochoas & then met the Silvelas & sat with them but was glad to come away at 11.15. We met Mercier who looked very dejected—the more so at having Mme Karnicky on his arm, in a wonderful get up of green arsenic tarlatane!

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