0Tuesday. 26th [July 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 July 1870 — Madrid
Tuesday. 26th [July 1870]. I spent most of the morning attending upon Hill & when the Dr came again I assisted to dress her arm wh took some time & I could do nothing else & then we went to luncheon & afterwards I was too tired to do anything so I read & rested. I wrote to B & to Mme Riaño but could not send her letter as no one had her address. At 5 Mr Hamilton came with a mysterious telegram wh he could not understand nor could Henry– Mr Ham: told us he had been at Price’s circus last night where Blondin was performing & that while B. was carrying his wife across, the rope had broken & he & his wife had been precipitated 16 feet from the rope on the stage. They were stunned but not much hurt. At 7 we went out riding & went for the first time on horseback to the Fuente. Met Mme de Molins & rode a little with her & came home to dinner at ½ past 8. I dressed after dinner & we went to Prims– There were several people there amongst whom the Olañetas—she is a very pretty American married to a Spaniard. When we left them we went for a drive up the Fuente but it was not very pleasant as a wind had got up since dinner & the dust was suffocating. Henry said, as we drove, that he thought he had the clue to Mr Ham’s telegram as Prim had told him that Bismark had said he would publish some papers to show that the Emperor of the F. had offered to make a treaty with Prussia that if they would give him Belgium & Luxemburg he would give Prussia the S. of Germany—& that the Eng: fleet was being fitted out to go & protect Belgium. Henry said this proceeding of the Emp. was so outrageous that the general indignation would be tremendous but that it was all of a piece with the Emp.’s want of principle. Henry said he hoped that another attaché would be soon sent us here as the work is very heavy for only Mr Hunt & Mr Seymour. When I came in I found the Dr here who said Hill was going on satisfactorily.

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