0Monday. 25th [July 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 July 1870 — Madrid
Monday. 25th [July 1870]. Got up at 8 this morning & went to see how Hill was—found she had not passed a good night and the Dr had said she was to have had something given her– My mind misgave me that that treatment was right & at breakfast I asked Henry if he could not send for the French Dr wh he did—but found he had left Madrid. It suddenly struck me that I had heard an Eng: Dr spoken of so I at once sent to ask Miss Whyte & the porter found him (Dr Jilly) & brought him. We explained the case & he saw the Spanish Dr & found his treatment of oil & ice to be quite wrong & told us to get rid of him & he Dr J would undertake the case. He then told me what to prepare & he would be back in an hour to dress her arm which he did & left her more easy. In the afternoon I rested & read & went backwards & forwards to Hill. At 6 we went out riding with Mercier to the Casa & came home to dinner at 8. After dinner we took a drive for an hour in the Fuente & came home tired & glad to go to bed–

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