0Sunday. 24th [July 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 July 1870 — Madrid
Sunday. 24th [July 1870]. Sat all day reading & only wrote one letter to Evy Mahon—reproving her for never writing to me. I had a letter from Maria. In afternoon Mr Montesino came to see us. The heir & nephew of the Duke of Vitoria. He seems a very agreeable man & speaks English perfectly having been brought up in Eng: he said when his father was in exile & that he had also been in exile himself. After him came Mercier not quite so desponding but having no further news to give. At 7 we went out for a drive but first I & Hill went down into the court yard & did a little gardening. We dined at 8.30 & Mr Hunt with us. Just at the end of dinner while the gentlemen were smoking Henry Beales came in to call me & to say that Hill had nearly burnt herself to death. In horror we rushed to her room & found her sitting on the floor held by Giovanni & the top of her dress all burnt off—after some time I succeeded in finding that she was burnt in her right arm & shoulder. After a time I got her clothes cut off & put her on the bed & a Spanish Dr came & dressed her arm & at ½ past 12 I left her & went to bed to sleep an unquiet sleep.

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