0Saturday. 13th [August 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 August 1870 — Madrid
Saturday. 13th [August 1870]. Slept badly & up late– Wrote & worked. Rode at ½ past 5. At 3 Henry came from the F.O. & said he had had very important news that the Prussians had given the French the slip & were marching on Nancy & were supposed not to be going to give battle at Metz– Also that they had summoned Strasbourg to surrender. Cerruti came in the afternoon & we asked him to dine tomorrow. The Hunts dined with us at 7½ & then we went to the Buen Retiro Concert but saw hardly any one we knew. They say that the people are afraid of a republican revolution & dare not venture out at night.

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