0Friday. 12th [August 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 August 1870 — Madrid
Friday. 12th [August 1870]. Toothache in the night & up later than usual. Wrote & practised singing. Rode at ½ past 5 in Casa. Dined at 7½ & went afterwards to Caravanchel– Found Mme Montijo in pretty good spirits tho’ she got excited in talking over things. She was also very much annoyed with the French for all their Marseillaise singing & clasping the “drapeau” & said it wd be better to think & act than sing, & to march to the frontier with the flag than to hug it. She said her daughter the Empress & the 2 daughters of the Dss of Alba who are in Paris are calm & brave. We did not stay late.

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