0Tuesday. 4th [October 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 October 1870 — Madrid
Tuesday. 4th [October 1870]. This morng Hill told me that the baby had died at 3 in the morng. I went off at 12 to the Dss to sew. I had a bad headache & when Henry came to fetch me at 3 to go to the carpet shop I was so ill I was obliged to go straight home & to bed. I got up to dinner rather better. We had the Riaños Mr Escobar (the Ed: of the Epoca) & Genl Milans del Bosch to dinner. The latter was very amusing abt the war. He is violently Prussian & the opposite to Escobar who is French, quiet & calm. Bosch threw himself into ecstasies & declaimed as tho’ he were addressing the Cortès itself. Escobar was quiet dignified & highly polished & we & the Riaños roared at Bosch all the time. In the middle of dinner Del Cerro made his appearance having something to say to Henry. He said Savez vous les nouvelles? Ou a volée Mme Karnicky. To wh Escobar maliciously replied Quien ha sido el raptor?” It turned out that Mme K’s shawl had been stolen from her carriage & she had written to Del Cerro to try & get it back. As Mme K is very tiresome & silly nobody but Del Cerro who is a great ally of hers pitied her her loss– Cerruti came in. I sang some Spanish songs.

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