0Wednesday. 21st [December 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 December 1870 — Madrid
Wednesday. 21st [December 1870]. Wrote a lot of letters in the morng & after lunch the Regent’s children came & brought me a little work table & Adeline some boxes of bonbons as presents from the Dss. They did not stay long & Mr Blanc came & we made an expedition to the antiquity shops. We drove to the Rastro & then walked. Henry bought 4 nice old mirrors & a small gold frame wh the man said had belonged to the Salesas the Convent just appropriated by the Govt. I also got 3 Wedgwood plates with ferns on them. We walked from the Rastro to Jesusa’s & then got in the carriage & came home. We went according to appointment to tea with Messrs Sey & Ash but they were not in so we came home & read together & Mr Ash came to make his excuses. After dinner H. & A. went to the Opera to hear Nabuco & I stayed at home. Palmaroli happened to come in & spent the eveng with me & at 11 I went to bed.

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