0Tuesday. 27th [December 1870]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 December 1870 — Madrid
Tuesday. 27th [December 1870]. Drawing lesson of Grau in the morning & after lunch Adeline & I went to leave some notes & then on to the Buen Retiro & there met Henry & took a walk but we did not stay long as it was a piercingly cold day & looked as tho’ it would snow. Mr Blanc came to tea & to offer us to go to the Opera wh we accepted, but I did not care abt going so Henry took Adeline. I spent the eveng writing & at ¼ past 11 went to bed. Hill told me it was snowing heavily & I wondered Henry & A were not home. I sat reading & waiting for them & at last they came & rushed in together looking pale & scared & told me that a horrible thing had happened—that on returning home from the Cortès abt 7 o’cl: Prim had been shot at in the Calle de los Turcos & dreadfully wounded & almost killed– Henry had heard it at the Opera & at once he & Mr Blanc had driven off to the War Office to enquire– He said there were crowds of carriages enquiring & it was said Prim was in a very dangerous state. We were so horrified & shocked that we hardly slept.

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