0Saturday. 21st [January 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 January 1871 — Madrid
Saturday. 21st [January 1871]. Up late—but was better today– Lunched at 1 & at ½ past I went out in the carriage with Henry. Went to see the Dss de la Torre & we talked abt the Picture Pal was to do of the children– I fancied she rather wanted to get out of having the picture so rather dissuaded her. She suddenly took offense to my great bewilderment said that I was not “gentile” & would not speak– Being rather upset & weak I fell a crying– She soon made it up & kissed me—but I could not stop crying till I had come home. I fetched Henry from the Fuente & we left some cards from the Dss & then we came home as it was a damp drizzly day. The Pedrorenas called—also Mme Bauer & Mr Ashburnham–

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