0Saturday. 25th [February 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 February 1871 — Madrid
Saturday. 25th [February 1871]. I did not get up till late as I wanted to rest to prepare for this evening. Henry went to the Museum & I went & picked him up & we took a little drive & came home– Had a visit from Mr Ramiro de la Puente & his father– I laid down for an hour after dinner before dressing– People came very late. I wore my plain white satin with a wreath of camelias with a diamond button in the middle of each, a pink velvet round my neck with diamonds sewn round it & a pink bow on the side of my body with a brooch in it. We had a great quantity of people & kept it up till 4 o’cl. The Duke of Tetuan & the K’s secretary: Dragonetti both brought messages from H M. thanking us for our consideration in putting off our ball on Monday. D. said the King wished we had invited him to night. We said of course he could always come & we never should dare to invite him, but I am glad he did not come as he would have been sure to have met with some rudeness from the Alfonsists. The Dss de la Torre’s courage failed her & at the last moment she did not come on that account.

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