0Thursday. 30th [March 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 March 1871 — Madrid
Thursday. 30th [March 1871]. At breakfast I got a note from the Dss de la Torre saying she wanted to see me & would I go & breakfast there. I went at 1 to see the Dss but only stayed a few minutes– She said I must get a train made & manage to go tomorrow to the Court. She said she had received a note from the Q asking her to be of the Court & she was therefore going– She offered to help to make my train. I came home to take my lesson of Grau & Mme Canitz came to join the lesson. Elizabeth de Martino arrived too to ask about how to make her train. I sent Hill to Mme Riaño to ask her to go & buy the stuff for my train. After a deal of consulting we settled it should be purple silk with my mauve dress. After lunch Mme Canitz & I arranged the flowers Mr Ffrench had sent me wh he had brought with him when he returned from the South this morng. At ½ past 3 we went out & took a walk in the Retiro & a turn in the Fuente & then I dropt her at home. I went back to the Fuente & picked up Henry & we went home. Then at tea joined us Mme Karnicky who came to ask me to cut out her train & also Mme Jooris who came abt the same. I was well tired by the evening. After dinner we went to the Presidencia a good many people there.

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