0Saturday. 22nd [April 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 April 1871 — Madrid
Saturday. 22nd [April 1871]. After lunch Henry & I went down to the Cortès to hear the debate as Castelar was to speak– There was a good deal of discussion & much personality & abuse bandied to & fro & Olozaga made immense vain efforts to keep order– We stayed till 5½ when we walked home– The de Martinos (2) Bauers (2) Signor Scovasso, Señor Esperanza dined with us. Mr Ff: did not return from Las Navas in time, but he turned up in the evening & the Canitz’s also came—also Dragonetti Mr Gay: & Emilia—but she had to go home with Hill—feeling unwell. Mr Esperanza played the piaño & we had a pleasant eveng.

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