0Saturday. 20th [May 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 May 1871 — Madrid
Saturday. 20th [May 1871]. I went to Pals with the M. in the morning. In the afternoon a heap of people came to call– First Mme Bauer—then Mme Ochoa & her daughter, M & Mme de Comyn, Mmes Canitz & Karnicky, M & Mme Bernar & Mr Ff: When they were all gone I & the M went for a drive. I called on Clarita to congrat: her on her success, & we drove in the Fuente– Today Her Majestys birthday is kept so we gave a dinner to the English—Fitch, Hamiltons, Ross, Legation (5) Riaños Mr Twistleton & Mr Stewart Mackensie. In the evening Inzenga came & we had some singing from Clarita & Mr Hunt. Mr Whyte dined but his wife wd not come because we had not asked her daughters.

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