0Friday. 2nd [June 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 June 1871 — Madrid
Friday. 2nd [June 1871]. Practised wrote &c all the morning. Directly after lunch Henry & I drove to the Jesusa’s to see some chelsea china she was supposed to have—found it was dresden—we then went to the Cortès & heard Naudal speak on the answer to the address. He was very wearisome—the monotony was slightly relieved by packets of bonbons which were sent me by the deputies. Nicholas & Valera sent me up almonds sweets with on the bag. “El presidente y el secretaria de la Comision b.l.p à Mme Layard”– Later came a large packet from the President of the Chambers (Olozaga.) We came away abt 5 & walked to the Riaños. Saw Mr Gayangos who is laid up having hit his leg on falling off the small library ladder. We then walked home. We dined alone & I practised all the evening–

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