0Wednesday. 7th [June 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 June 1871 — Madrid
Wednesday. 7th [June 1871]. I went to breakfast with the Duchess de la Torre & stayed there till 1½. I then went to call on Lady Franklin & said I would take her tomorrow to the Gobernacion to see the Procession of the Corpus. I went to see Eliz de Martino & then came home. The Ayltons came to see me. We had a dinner party—the Morets, Canitz’ Duc de Fernan Nuñez—Canovas del Castillo—Llorente—the Turkish Amb & Secy & Mr Ff. I sat between Moret & Fernan Nunez: & we had a pleasant evening. We teased Moret abt the quantity of counterfeit money there is abt in the country. He said he had found that the false coiners carried on their coining in ships & so it was impossible to catch them.

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