0Thursday. 22nd [June 1871]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 June 1871 — Paris
Thursday. 22nd [June 1871]. We took a little walk & then I came in & Henry went to the Embassy when he had come in we had a visit from Mr Oliphant who is the Times Correspondent here just now. We then took a fiacre & had a drive down the Boulevards & round by the Bastille where we saw a great many smashed windows & the marks of bullets in every house. We were taking a little saunter afterwards & buying a few trifles when we came upon Fanny & Alice Arkwright they asked us to go & see Edwyn in the eveng at Merciers & we said we wd see abt it. After dining quietly at the Hotel we walked round to see him & offered to take care of the girls tomorrow on their way to England.

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