0Friday. 23rd [June 1871]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 June 1871 — Paris
Friday. 23rd [June 1871]. We were called very early & left Paris by the 7.30 train. At the station we met the Baron de Triqueti & the Arkwright girls & took them in our compartment. We had a very good passage & returned to Eng: as we had left in a fog. We arrived in London abt ½ past 5 & were met by Connie & little Bee & by Schrei: We learned that the M was ill in bed wh was an astonishment as she has never been ill before—but we hope it is only a cold. Blanche is away at Canford with Ivor. Arthur came & dined at Langham House & Connie came for a few minutes in the evening.

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