0Friday. 8th September [1871]—Bormio
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 September 1871 — Bormio
Friday. 8th September [1871]. We started about 8½ oclock & drove down the valley stopping to luncheon at Tirano. A very nice little inn where we got very good food. Abt 6 we arrived at Sondrio which is quite an Italian looking town with a large Piazza. We went out & got an ice & strolled abt. Then we went & sat on the balcony of our room whence was a charming view– Three mountains before us formed the background– Then the castle above the town– It was a feast today & every one was out walking. The gendármes were parading in their Sunday best & all the town was holiday making. I wrote letters on the balcony till dark.

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