0Friday. 13th October [1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 October 1871 — Madrid
Friday. 13th October [1871]. At 8 in the morning we found ourselves at Madrid & were very glad to get home after our long holiday of 4 months. On arriving we breakfasted & then I went to rest till abt 1 o’cl: Messrs Sey. Ash. Go. Ff: & Hunt came to see me & Mr Ff: brought his little girl who is a very pretty child of 7. In the afternoon Henry & I went out driving. We paid Clarita Hunt a visit & found her ill with a bad throat. We then drove round by the Fuente but finding it cold at Sunset came in. Messrs Sey & Ash dined with us but we broke up early.

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