0Sunday. 15th [October 1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 October 1871 — Madrid
Sunday. 15th [October 1871]. Mr Whyte being ill we had no service. I wrote some letters in the morng. In the afternoon the Morets called also the new F. Ambassadress & the Ambassador the Marqueses de Bouillé. He is a tall thin old man with the grand manners & looks of the old French nobility; she is a little ceremonious old dried up looking lady with skimpy gown hooked nose & on each side of her face a bunch of little fluffy curls. She makes little bobs & curtsies but seems very kind & amiable. At 4 we went out driving & payed the Bauers a visit & then went to the De Martinos. We found her in & B. de Aylton with her—as they were going to drive together I proposed that they should go with us, ours being an open carriage, so we went to the Fuente & then I took them home. Messrs Ff. Ash & Gay dined with us.

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