0Monday. 16th October [1871]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 October 1871 — Madrid
Monday. 16th October [1871]. Copied for Henry & wrote. The coachman was ill & I could not have the carriage so Henry went to the Cortès. I also had to walk to Mr Gardeners at 4. Several people came to call so I was a little late. Mr Ff: came & the Russian Minister with his wife Mme Koudriaffsky. I met Zavierito Comyn at the Puerta del Sol & he walked with me a little way. At Gardener’s the dentist Henry met me & said he was going back to the Cortès & I had better call on Mme Prim wh I did. I found her rather better. She talked the whole time abt Prim & showed us all the pictures & photos she had of him. I spoke of Regnault’s picture of him wh had been at the Exhibition this year in London. She would not hear of it’s being like. She said Prim had never sat for it & when he was taken to see it said he knew it was not like him. I did not like to insist on its being so, as Mme Martos & M. Monteverde who were there agreed entirely with her. I walked home.

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