0Monday. 26th February [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 February 1872 — Madrid
Monday. 26th February [1872]. When Henry woke he told me he had the cramp in his leg & ½ asleep. I said oh put the foot down on the ground. He did this & said “I feel giddy” & then & there fell down in a faint over the bed but rolled off on to the floor on to his face– I woke up quite—terrified—sprung up & lifted him up & rested him against the side of the bed & happily in a second he answered to his name– I had rung all the bells & Hill & Giovanni came. As soon as he came to—he was very sick & we got him to bed again & Hill got me some tea & I also laid in bed to recover my fright. At 11 I got up & he stayed quiet feeling still sick. Esquivel came but I could not draw. While having my lunch Eliz: came & I got better. Mme Dragonetti came latish & said she had come from fetching her husband home from the Casa de Campo where he had been shooting with the King & the Duke & Dss of Fernan Nuñez & their eldest daughter. That the Dss had shot 15 rabbits & the daughter over 20. She said she would come in the evening. Henry got up at 7 & came to dinner but he was obliged to go away after soup being sick again. However he was better again & able to help me to entertain—tho’ luckily we had not many people. The Hunts brought Mirecki & he played twice on the Violincello. Clarita sang a duett with him & then he played a duett with the piano. Inzenga accompanied him. He played airs & variations from the Fille de Regiment wonderfully well. He is quite young only 23 very retiring & modest & quite a gentleman. Mr Hunt sang a solo & Mr Quesada closed the evening by playing the piano. Henry had been obliged to go off to bed by that time—but the others did not stay late.

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