0Thursday. 18th [April 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 April 1872 — Madrid
Thursday. 18th [April 1872]. At 6 in the morning the M. & S. arrived—we did not get up to receive them– They went out after lunch with Henry. We had a thunderstorm in the morning & the weather completely changed & it grew cold. Mme Aylton & Bernadine called. When Henry & the M. came in he brought me a lovely old fan he had got me. We went at 9 to Beck’s concert & picked up Bernadine en route. Mme Canitz is ill in bed & could not go– The concert was pretty good & full tho’ all the people I asked to go did not do so. Beck & Merecki played well & some amateur ladies sang very creditably.

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