0Saturday. 1st June [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 June 1872 — Madrid
Saturday. 1st June [1872]. Henry & Morelli went off with Grau directly after breakfast to look at some wonderful pictures Grau knew of—Raphaels &c &c—of course it was a bootless errand & Morelli came back furious. Pal: came to see me. At 5 we went out driving & I went to see Mme Ettling who goes to Paris on Monday. I also went to see Clarita who is worse & in bed. We had our dinner to the English to celebrate H.M.’s birthday– A Mrs Ramsay & a Miss Garden who are travelling here, Mr & Mrs Bell, Mr Whyte &c in all 12. Mrs Ramsay lives at Rome & has translated “Dante.” She is a picturesque looking woman with Powdered hair done over a cushion straight up.

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