0Sunday. 14th [July 1872]—Roehampton
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 July 1872 — Roehampton
Sunday. 14th [July 1872]. We were rather late in the morning so I & Maria rushed off to the West Hill church & were even a little late then. In the afternoon the Hunts came down—Monty, Blanche, Connie & Charlie, Edmund Du Cane, the M & S– Mr Hutchins, Arthur Helps & Dr Hooker also drove over to see us from Kew. The Hambros also came in from next door. The Hunts sang a great deal to every body’s delight. Maria asked A. Helps & Dr Hooker to stop & dine. They said they could not but at last A.H. said he would go back to Kew & then come back to dine with us. I sat between him & C. Eliot & had a very pleasant meal.

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