0Sunday. 21st [July 1872]—Blackheath
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 July 1872 — Blackheath
Sunday. 21st [July 1872]. It was so hot that we did not go to church but sat talking all the morning & looking over Grannie’s books of wh she gave me some– After lunch Capt Jones came from Norwood to see Henry– Also Maria & Rd drove from Roeton to settle abt going to St Moritz with [us.] It was decided that we are to start on 3rd Aug & Maria to go with us & Rd to follow when Parliament is up. Adeline & Blanche also came & Arthur & his 2 children. Rhuvon was dressed in a complete sailor’s get up & amused us immensely by his trousers get down over his feet & tripping him up– The children went away at 6 also Maria & Rd but the others stayed & dined & went back home in the evening.

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