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9 August 1872 — Champfer | |
Friday. 9th August [1872]. We breakfasted at 8 & then got a carriage & drove down to the Kurhaus at St Moritz—went & saw Dr Berry & got instructions as to what I was to do viz: bath at 26º every other day—& begin with a glass of water & increase until 4 walking ¼ hour between each– The Kurhaus is a large barrack like place—very low—in almost a marsh—close under the mountain. I drank a glass of water & we drove back to Champfer. The water is cold & sparkling like seltzer water lacking a little of iron. I paid 12 francs for the cure & had a glass given me & a little niche to keep it in– We dined at 1 at table d’hôte. In the afternoon we walked & while Maria grubbed for flowers I tried to sketch. There are lovely views, great deal of snow on all the mountains & lovely lakes & distant villages. We supped at 7. Maria was in a state at getting no letters from England. | |
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