0Saturday. 17th [August 1872]—Champfer
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 August 1872 — Champfer
Saturday. 17th [August 1872]. We had a carriage, breakfasted early & went abt 8 down to the Springs—where I drank the waters & then we went to the Bernina pass thro’ Pontresina & past the Rosegg & Morteratsch glaciers. We had a splendid cloudless day & it was indeed quite hot. Abt 1 we arrived at the hotel on the pass & got just in time for the table d’hôte at wh there were a great many people. The most remarkable was a woman with her hair cut short in spectacles who was alone (she wore a wedding ring) who dried flowers during the meal & took up her sausage between her fingers– After dinner we clambered abt on the grass & found a ledge of snow– The view in fine of the Bernina glacier with lakes at its foot was grand. It was curious to notice that the larger lake being fed by snow water was of a light green & the other being of rainwater was quite black– Maria got some roots & plants & then we went home getting to Champfer not much before supper time.

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