0Tuesday. 19th November [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 November 1872 — Madrid
Tuesday. 19th November [1872]. I moved out of my boudoir & sat in the drawing room as the workmen wanted to put a pipe through the cupboard. I wrote letters & dressed for riding before lunch. Esquivel called abt lunch time– He says that Palmaroli is still in Paris in treaty with Goussil to paint for him. We went out riding round by the Campo de los Mauros & by the Puente de Toledo where we were besieged by the Beggars—who presented horrid sights to view & we had to canter past them as they were so persistent & it was quite difficult not to see them. Further on we met a child’s funeral—with an open coffin carried by girls of 6 & 10– We got round to the S. Station by the Prado to the Fuente where we took one turn & then came home– Visit from an old M Palacio & his old daughter. Friends of Mme de Bouillé—talked French well– We thought we would go & see Dinorah so we sent for 2 stalls & dined early & got in time for the Overture. Mlle de Meisen sang & well. It was dreadfully cold where we sat & we were not sorry when the Bauers came to their box & Bauer came down & insisted upon our going up to their box wh we did I taking off my bonnet.

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