0Friday. 29th [November 1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 November 1872 — Madrid
Friday. 29th [November 1872]. I fussed abt all the morng over birds & plants, wrote for Henry &c– After lunch I drove out, left cards & met Henry at the Retiro gardens where we took a short walk & came home as it was getting cold & threatened to rain. Had a call from Llorente who has just returned for the season– Ruiz Gomez also rushed in for 2 minutes to see Henry. After dinner we walked to the Salon del Conservatorio for the Concert of the Society of Philharmonics. We sat by the La Romanas & Ffrench—& came away in the middle during the des canso. Mr Hunt led the Orquestra & then sang a solo & a trio with Mme Lewan & a tenor who both screeched & made a horrid row. As we walked home the rain was spitting.

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