0Sunday. 1st December [1872]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 December 1872 — Madrid
Sunday. 1st December [1872]. I had the usual Sunday class & then we had church. After luncheon Henry went to the Quartett concert but I stayed at home—wrote some letters & copied for Henry. Esquivel came to see me & brought Palmaroli who has just returned from Paris where he had been to make an arrangement with Goussil to sell his pictures for him. I was glad to see him again. Baron Weisweiller also called & I congratulated him on his title. The patent for it had been all prepared for it in the time of Queen Isabella only she had not time to sign it before she left so he has got K. Amadeus to do it instead. Messrs Ffrench & Seymour dined with us–

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