0Wednesday. 19th [February 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 February 1873 — Madrid
Wednesday. 19th [February 1873]. More copying & Henry went out in the carriage abt 12 & did not come home till after 3 so I lunched alone. At 3½ Mme Ettling called for me & we went for a walk in the Retiro. We got out of the carriage at the Alcala gate & got in again at the Atocha. She came home & had tea & Emilia Riaño & Mme Saavedra also Mr Gayangos came & I played the harmonium to them. We went to Mirecki’s concert—sat with Mme Canitz & Romanas & I was made furious by Mlle Romana who chatted & giggled so we could hardly hear the music. Clarita & Mr Hunt sang–

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