0Saturday. 22nd [February 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 February 1873 — Madrid
Saturday. 22nd [February 1873]. Serrano came abt 11 to see Henry. I got a letter from Mme Dragonetti from Lisbon & they are all well– Did a lot of copying & began a drawing of end of dining room. At 3 I went to bid Mme Bauer good bye– Henry met me there—much alarmed as there is a “crisis”—the people are arming & there is a meeting at & in the Circo de Paul. We went on to the Mendes Leals & found them in. Mme ML told us that far from being well recd en route—Viva la republica had been shouted at every station in the King’s face & at Merida shots had been fired one of wh damaged one of the carriages. It rained so we went home. Rances called also Duke of Tetuan—both very anxious on acct of the want of discipline in the army—the men are lying abt drunk & have begun to refuse to obey or even salute their officers. We were very anxious & expected to hear of fighting.

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