0Thursday. 26th [June 1873]—Zaragoza
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 June 1873 — Zaragoza
Thursday. 26th [June 1873]. We arrived at 6 in the morning at Zaragoza & I was very knocked up with sick headache & on arriving at the 4 Estaciones had to go to bed & was very sick & ill all day but towards five oclock I got better & got up & Henry took me in a carriage to the Cathedrals of wh there are 2 & to see the church of the Virgin del Pilar which has lately been done up & fresh painted inside in the most abominable taste. We found the celebrated image wh is considered so miraculous to be a little black figure dressed in a mantle like all Spanish Virgins before wh were kneeling all kinds of people sick & poor who every one threw a piece of money within the altar rails before leaving the chapel so that the ground was strewed with coins, mostly copper ones– We drove over the bridge to see the view of the city which forms the subject of a picture by Del Mazo in the Madrid Gallery & then went back to the hotel, dined early & went to bed.

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