0Saturday. 19th [July 1873]—London
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 July 1873 — London
Saturday. 19th [July 1873]. Henry & I went to see Mrs Austen & we returned home & Hy went out with Mamma & I with Ivor. We set out to walk to Townshends but we soon had to get into cabs & go different ways. I went to Wm St Lowndes Sqr & lunched with Lady Townshend. Audrey & the St Aubyns & Lady T. sent me home in her carriage. Dined at home. There were Aunt Mary & Gracie, Adeline, Mr Ffrench, Marquis de Sofraza, & Marquis de Casa Trujo, Connie & Charlie. We had singing in the evening.

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