0Saturday. 16th [August 1873]—Edinburgh
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 August 1873 — Edinburgh
Saturday. 16th [August 1873]. We all went out walking after breakfast. Aunt Mary went one way with Henry & I & Gracie another. I bought shepherds plaid stuff for gown. I & At M left by 12.40 train to go to Avelands place. Then Henry & I went out to do more shopping & bought dirk brooches to give the Aylton girls. We went to the Museum & then to the picture gallery. There is a lovely Gainsboro there of a Mrs Graham—& a very nice collection of pictures besides– We took an open cab & drove to Holyrood & thence we drove in the town the Cannongate Castle &c. all most picturesque. We lunched at 2 & at ¼ to 4 started for Keir to stay with Sir Wm & Lady Anna Stirling Maxwell. At Stirling Mr Marlay & Rd Norton got into train. They had been to Loch Lomond from Keir & were returning. We arrived at the Bridge of Allan in a tremendous thunderstorm & in such torrents of rain that we left our luggage to come in a covered cart & went on without it. Found staying at Keir, Mr & Mrs Brinsley Sheridan, Honorable Mrs Norton & her 2 grandchildren Carlotta & Rd Norton.

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