0Thursday. 13th [November 1873]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 November 1873 — Madrid
Thursday. 13th [November 1873]. Miss Bentley came & I offered her Mme V’s place, but she made me very angry by refusing it. At 3 Henry & I took a ride. It was a mild day. We met Mme Molins riding & took a turn with them. At 5 Mme Bauer came to ask us to go to the opera. Henry was going to Canitz so I asked her to take me—so she called for me abt 9. Nicholas was in the box—& Bauer came late. The Huguenots was very badly done—the choruses were horribly sung—& only Sasse & Stanic redeemed the piece. There were very few people & the whole performance was cold.

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