0Tuesday. 3rd [February 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 February 1874 — Madrid
Tuesday. 3rd [February 1874]. Aurelie came to practise & we played piano duetts. Dr Brehm came & arranged for me to begin drinking Spa water. Mr Jameson called with the prospectus of the [illegible word]. Miss Bentley also came & Esquivel gave me a lesson & corrected the drawing of the study I am going to make. Sagasta came to see Henry & Major Hall came to see me & all our things. He offered me again £100 for the groups. I went out with Emilia & took a walk in the Fuente. Mirecki & Sedorovitch came to practise over a trio of Sedorovitch’s composition which we are to play on Thursday. In the eveng we went to the Presidencia and only saw the Dss as Serrano had gone to bed with a sore throat. However the Dss insisted upon Henry’s being taken to see him & so Henry saw him in bed in an old fashioned white cotton nightcap with a tassel to it & Parco who sleeps in his room was undressing to go to bed.

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