0Saturday. 28th February [1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 February 1874 — Madrid
Saturday. 28th February [1874]. I was up to breakfast. Painted in the morning & Aurelie came to meet Esquivel & arrange about taking lessons of him but she could not wait for him & went off again. O’Connor came up while Esquivel was giving me his lesson. Drove in the afternoon & I went to see the Dss de la Torre who was very low about Serranos departure. I then went & walked in the Fuente with Henry. At 3 Adee came to offer us a box at the opera tonight to which we went but did not enjoy it. They gave Gounod’s Romeo & Guglietta. It was the first time we had heard it & we did not care for it—besides Sasse made such a horrible fat Juliet.

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