0Tuesday. 23rd [June 1874]—Madrid
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 June 1874 — Madrid
Tuesday. 23rd [June 1874]. Got up late having breakfasted in bed. Arranged & packed &c Clarita called—also Rances—Moret, Jabat & Mrs MacDonell & Mr Aylton. At 3½ I took Mrs MacD. home & then went on to the Dentist sending Coco on to Dr Brehm in the meanwhile. I then went to the Bauers & saw her. They are all better & she was in better spirits. Came home by 5. Mr Saurin & OConner came to bid us goodbye. Later Maffei & the 2 Aylton girls to give us commissions &c. We dined at ½ to 7 in order to go to the station & to leave by the 8.20 train for Zaragoza & to go from thence by Huesca & Jaca to Pau. We had a most comfortable saloon carriage to ourselves. A great many people were at the station to see us off, the MacDonells—Cohen, Carnide, Hunt, &c. Major Hall, the Messenger also came to go by the same train to Casetas where he branches off to Pamplona.

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