0Sunday. 28th [June 1874]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 June 1874 — Paris
Sunday. 28th [June 1874]. I went to church with Hill it was very hot. On my return I found Mr Brown of Morning P. with Henry & he stayed talking while we were at luncheon. Afterwards came Palmaroli, his wife & child to call. All looking well. At 3 Weisweiller sent his carriage to fetch us & then we went to his house & picked him up & he drove us to the Bois where there was a great crowd & where we saw a great many of the troops returning from the great Revue which took place this afternoon– We drove abt all the afternoon and also walked in the Jardin d’Acclimatation where we saw the baby elephant which has lately been sent over & which is said to be 13 months old. We got home rather tired & headachy with the noise of the streets which were crammed full of people & carriages coming from the Revue & we went early to bed.

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