0Monday. 29th [June 1874]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 June 1874 — Paris
Monday. 29th [June 1874]. We went to meet Palmaroli and Señor Escosura’s studio. He is a Spanish artist long settled at Paris & has a wonderful collection of stuffs & carpets & paints rather pretty pictures deguere. After lunch we went to call on the LeCroix whom we found in. They asked us to dine with them tomorrow we said we were ½ engaged to the Mendes Leals but if we cd get out of that we wd dine with them. We went on to the Mendes Leals & got out of dinner there & returned to the Rue Rovigo 11brs where the Le Croixs have a lovely house & I went out with Mme Le C. shopping. She took me to a new dressmaker Mme Artus & bonnet makers & the Bon Marché where I made several purchases & she left me at the hotel abt 6.30. I went out with Henry had my dress tried on again at DuCroquets & then we went & dined at Champeaux & went to the Palais Royal where we saw a most amusing play called Le Homard & afterwards walked home.

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