0Saturday. 1st August [1874]—Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 August 1874 — Venice
Saturday. 1st August [1874]. I breakfasted in bed & got up late. Wrote letters &c. I went with Henry to Salviati’s to see the great Cartoon just arrived from Berlin painted by Werner, which is to be reproduced in mosaic for the Franco-Prussian war monument to be raised at Berlin. It is very fine & 40 metres long. We then went to see the Casa Dario which we hear is to be sold in case we carry out our wish of buying a house here. We went to Murano in the afternoon to see the glass blowing with Castellani. Came home & painted– Visit from Mme Marcello who came to say she did not receive tonight as she is going to the theatre. Whilst sitting reading suddenly found a small monkey in the room. He belonged to Barbesi next door & had escaped & was not easily caught. Cortellazzo dined with us. Went to Piazza in eveng.

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