0Wednesday. 26th [May 1875]—Valencia
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 May 1875 — Valencia
Wednesday. 26th [May 1875]. I made some coffee on waking in the train. We did not get to Valencia till abt 1 o’cl were met by the V. Consul in Mr Dart’s absence & he had carriages & carts ready to take us to the Grau in order to embark on “H. M. S. Invincible” wh was to take us to Genova. He presented us with a huge bouquet abt 4 ft high & some fruit. We were received by the Capt of the ship Capt Iago most kindly & he had given up to us his own cabin a magnificent one with a berth for me & Henry & Hill was to sleep in the saloon outside. We dined with the Capt & 2 or 3 of the officers also & were glad to retire early having spent last night in the train.

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