0Monday. 28th [June 1875]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 June 1875 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 28th [June 1875]. I went to Lido alone with Hill but stopped at the Helicon & took 2 D. girls to bathe. Henry stayed at home to unpack pictures with Mr Malcolm & Castellani. When I returned I found Mr Dunlop here. He is our consul Genl in Cuba & came to see Henry on business. We begged him to stay the night wh he consented to do. The pictures luckily not much injured. At 2 Henry went with Mr Dunlop & the Drummonds to Murano to see the glass blowing. I had a visit from Marques de la Romana & then Mr Brown walked in with Countess Pisani who is come in from the country for a couple of days—. Eveng piazza as usual.

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