0Monday. 5th [July 1875]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 July 1875 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 5th [July 1875]. Set to work to hang our pictures. We gave Hill & Joubert permission to go to Fleet. Giovanni cooked our breakfast. After dinner we went to the Helicon to see the beginning of the Serenade & the illuminations wh were lovely. The 2 P&O steamers also illuminated. When the serenade boat began to move down the canal I took Lady D. & Morelli home & we waited & saw them pass here. When they arrived opposite our house they stopt & played God save the Queen & then gave us a song & glided on again to God save the Queen. We had tea & after 1 o’cl the Adl & the girls & officers & Henry came & had tea before going home–

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